Teresa Michael

Mysteries with a touch of romance.

Happy Spring March 2025 Newsletter

Mar 09, 2025 by Teresa Michael, in Newsletters

Most recently, Hubby had a 10-day stay in the hospital with a ruptured appendix, a post-op ileus, and an NG (nasogastric) tube. He is happy to be home and able to eat again, but he’s weak and still regaining his strength. I caught a cold, was down for a few days, and couldn’t visit him. Thank goodness, his daughter, Heidi (a nurse), came to visit for a few days. Lily, the cat, and I are happy he’s home and feeling better.
Upcoming Events
 On March 12, 2025, I will be the featured author in the N.N. Light’s Book Heaven 10th Anniversary Event, a month-long event in March. Over 60 books and gift cards are up for grabs, generously donated by N.N. Light’s Book Heaven and the participating authors.  I donated a $25 Amazon gift card and a winner’s choice free autographed book and swag.  Starting March 1st, check out all the amazing authors featured during this event. https://www.nnlightsbookheaven.com/n-n-lights-book-heaven-party.  


March 15, 2025, Venice Book Fair, Blalock Park, Venice, Florida – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. I will be in the Sisters in Crime Booth from 9:00- 12:00. All my books, the Mariposa Café Mysteries, the latest Harrington House B&B Mystery, Murder with a Terrace View, and the Florida Gulf Coast Sisters in Crime Anthology, Paradise is Deadly – Gripping Tales from Florida’s Gulf Coast will be for sale. If you are in the neighborhood, stop in and see us! 
I am pleased to announce that Murder with a Terrace View - A Harrington House Mystery was a finalist in N.N. Light’s Book Heaven’s 2024 Book of the Year Awards.  

On January 28th,  I had a great time at the Seabreeze Book Club in Bradenton. They read Murder in Mariposa Beach. We met in their community’s Clubhouse, where we snacked on yummy food and discussed the book. Thanks to Jan Gandy for reaching out to me. We met at the Manatee County Old Florida Christmas Event in December. Let me know if your book club would like me to attend one of your meetings in person or via Zoom.
Work in Progress:
I hit the 70,000-word mark and am down to the last chapter or two. I’m nearing the two most wonderful words in the world – THE END!  But then the real fun begins—Revision!!!

I have a new working title for book 2: The Wedding Planner’s Secret.  Do you like it?  Based on the blurb below, do you have a suggestion for the title for book 2?

Here is a short blurb:   Molly Harrington, owner of Harrington House Bed and Breakfast, finds herself entangled in another murder investigation when a wedding planner is found dead in the garden at a country club event. With a mysterious NDA, a threatening muscle car, and a private investigator posing as an antique dealer, Molly must navigate a web of secrets and suspects before she becomes the next victim.

Here’s an excerpt:  
Bright headlights hit the rearview mirror. Molly’s eyes narrowed at the intense beams. Glancing around, she realized she was on the nearly deserted stretch of road between the last residences in town and Harrington House. Once outside River Crest city limits, streetlights didn’t exist, and the houses were built at higher elevations set back off the road, which helped guard against flooding when the Ohio River extended beyond its banks. The neighbors were further apart, making this stretch of road especially dark on a cloudy, moonless night.
               She didn’t know when the driver had pulled in behind her. Was it after the grocery store? She was so lost in thought that she hadn’t noticed until the driver had turned on the bright lights. The car gained on her and drew closer at an alarming clip.
               “What’s your hurry?” 
               At first, she thought the car wanted to pass her, so she slowed and ensured she was clearly on her side of the narrow country road, allowing the other vehicle plenty of room. But the driver advanced on her bumper and stayed there, revving the engine repeatedly, drawing closer each time. The sound reminded her of an old Trans Am that her brother had had in high school.
               She sped up. But the muscle car stayed with her. It tapped her rear bumper, causing her car to swerve. Regaining control, she narrowly missed the ditch on her right. A warm breeze blew her hair off her face as she glanced to her left. Below her, she caught sight of the park along the river, and the earthy smell of fertile bottomland wafted up to her. She noticed several camper lights, probably from tourists who had parked for the night. After the park, the road ran along the river. If forced off there, she could end up in the water. To the other side, she’d be in the ditch.
Almost home. All I need to do is keep the car on the road.
               The dark vehicle pulled alongside. Molly glimpsed at the car beside her. Through the tinted windows, she saw a shadowy figure behind the wheel. The car eased toward her, inching her closer to the berm. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she felt sweat beading on her forehead. She let up off the accelerator and applied the brakes. The front tire hit the soft shoulder. She turned the wheel to keep her small SUV on the road and out of the muddy ditch. The dark muscle car sped ahead with a loud varoom. The brake lights flickered as he passed her house as if to say, ‘I know where you live.’ 
My Latest Travels
In January, two friends and I rented an Airbnb in Savannah. I love Savannah, but they had the biggest snowfall in over thirty years. It was an interesting weekend, to say the least! But we still had fun, even though the evening trolley ghost tour and our golf cart tour of the Bonaventure Cemetery were both canceled due to the inclement weather. My favorite thing we did was an Evening Cocktail Class at the Prohibition Museum. We learned the correct way to make a stirred and shaken cocktail and the correct tools for each type of drink. We sampled several drinks. It was a good thing we followed directions and had a hearty dinner at the Wexford Pub around the corner.  We’re talking about a return visit to hit the attractions we couldn’t do in the snow!

In February, Hubby and I went to Islamorada for some fishing. We didn’t catch many fish, but we enjoyed the nice weather, sunshine, and a day trip to Key West.

If you are in Sarasota, the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens have an exhibit featuring George Harrison in the Garden through June.  We had a lovely day and lunch at the Green Orchid Café.
What Have You Been Reading and Watching?
I read 73 books in 2024, and I’ve read 13 books so far this year. What were your favorite books in 2024? For me, it was The Women by Kristin Hannah. So far this year, I’ve enjoyed Murder at Ravenswood House and Murder at Raven’s Hollow, books 2 and 3 of the English Village Mysteries by Louise Marley. I also read Iron Lake and Boundary Waters, books 1 and 2 of William Kent Krueger’s Cork O’Connor series set in Minnesota. I read Rhys Bowen’s latest Lady Georgie We Three Kings and John Grisham’s Camino Ghosts.  Erin Andrews’s High Tide Club was our February book club selection. For March, our book club is reading James by Percival Everett, a re-telling of Huckleberry Finn from Jim’s perspective.
On television, I enjoyed season 7 of Outlander and look forward to the finale of season 8 next year. I’m looking forward to watching season 2 of 1923. I also enjoyed the latest season of Sweet Magnolias and The Night Agent.  What are your favorite shows?  Oh yes, I've seen Wicked twice! it's the theater nerd in me!

Until next time – take care. Thank you for reading my books!
You can always reach me at teresamichaelauthor@gmail.com or through my website at https://teresamichaelwrites.pubsitepro.com or my Facebook Author page here
Please follow me on Goodreads. Teresa Michael (Author of Murder in Mariposa Beach) | Goodreads
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