Teresa Michael

Florida mysteries with a touch of romance.

Daybreak - A Poem

Jul 14, 2020 by Teresa Michael, in Poetry

The gray dawn of first light
Brushes the ebony of dying logs
Blending into the lush chartreuse
Foliage along the riverbank.


The river, like glass, reflects
Brightening blue as clouds break,
Giving birth to a burst of sunlight
Dancing crystals on the water.


Mist levitates from the shore,
Slithering across the surface,
Captured by the light; ashen and
Fading, a ghostly evanescence.


A snowy egret treads gingerly
Along the water’s edge
An anhinga stands at attention,
Wings barely swaying in the morning breeze.


A symphony of birdsong
Hails the awakening riverbank.
The world at peace.
For this moment.